【ENG】My shop has been closed.
by Amuro Lytton on Nov.22, 2009, under
My shop has been closed.
Store closing infomation
Hello everyone. Thank you for supporting FREE SHOOTING RANGE KAZE.
I have been running for FREE SHOOTING RANGE KAZE many years.
However, due to closing of Yumix Canal SIM, my shooting range will close also in the end of this April.
I really appreciate your warm hearty supports and hoping to see you again some where.
Thank you.
Store closing infomation
Hello everyone. Thank you for supporting FREE SHOOTING RANGE KAZE.
I have been running for FREE SHOOTING RANGE KAZE many years.
However, due to closing of Yumix Canal SIM, my shooting range will close also in the end of this April.
I really appreciate your warm hearty supports and hoping to see you again some where.
Thank you.
Amuro Lytton
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